Legal Courier Services

In the legal system, critical documents and evidence need to be transported and handled promptly and properly.

legal courier service It may be difficult for you to manage all the documentation that needs to be picked up or delivered to clients, the courthouse, lawyers and others in the legal community. Triple A Logistic Services offers legal courier services including deliveries, pick-ups, court filings, legal messenger service and deed recordings in the VA, DC, and MD area. These services can be handled either on a scheduled or on-demand basis. We also provide transportation of boxes and trial exhibits to and from court.

For legal documents that must be delivered or picked up immediately, for example to obtain last-minute document signatures, our one hour rush service ensures your document is picked up and/or delivered without any stops in-between. You can also choose our immediate, two-hour service or our same day delivery service. If secure delivery is your primary concern, Triple A Logistic Services also offers bonded court document courier services. This ensures your document is securely and personally protected until it arrives at its end destination.
At Triple A Logistic Services, we offer the highest level of professionalism. We have knowledge of all court filing procedures and travel locally and long distances. Upon completion of your filing or delivery, you will receive a phone call as well as an e-mail containing proof of delivery. We offer competitive prices and guarantee document security.

When you choose Triple A Logistic Services for your court filling and other courier needs you also benefit from Triple A Logistic commitment.

  • 100% on time deliveries
  • Online tracking
  • Performance reporting
  • Proactive notification
  • Excellent Customer service